Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ayam goreng Ngohiong

Kmrn abis makan ini di salah satu t4 makan special chinese food..

Ini merupakan ayam goreng tepung yg dikasih bumbu ngohiong.

Enak seh tp kurang dikit bumbunya.. :D

apaan seh ngohiong itu??

Chinese Five Spice / Ngo Hiong adalah perpaduan dari adas, cengkeh, merica, pekak dan kayu manis. Ngo Hiong menggabungkan lima rasa utama dari masakan China yaitu manis, asam, pedas, pahit dan asin. Ngo Hiong banyak digunakan di restoran dan kadang-kadang tersaji di meja sebagai penyedap seperti garam dan merica.

Nah, bumbu ini bsa dibeli jadi ato dibuat sendiri. gampang kok... Caranya : Panggang dua sendok teh szechuan pepper di atas api sedang hingga aromanya keluar (sekitar tiga menit). Kemudian, haluskan Szechuan pepper dan delapan butir pekak hingga menjadi bubuk dengan menggunakan blender. Setelah itu campur dengan setengah sendok teh cengkih, satu sendok makan kayu manis, dan satu sendok makan adas. Haluskan semuanya hingga benar-benar lembut. Simpan di wadah kedap udara.

Bumbu ngohiong tersebut bisa Anda gunakan untuk membuat masakan ayam bumbu ngohiong atau ngohiong udang.


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gurame Saos Taosi

I've made it with a little accident..

For the first time ever I cooked with taosi. Taosi is a preserved black bean which is very very salty. I know it's very-very salty because I add 1 can of taosi (around 135gram).

After I tasted it, it's so salty.. I realized now that if you wanna to cook with taosi, you just add 1 table spoon. Because it's taste very salty..

That's my own experience in cooking, and people says that experience is the best teacher. I'm agree with that statement!

Have a nice weekends..

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Friday, August 19, 2011

King of Chocolate Pudding

This is one of my creation.. It's a chocolate pudding with the caramel for it's "crown". Read More..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Spaghetti

Inilah resep buatanku.. Kmrn coba2 buat. Sbnrnya terinspirasi Masterchef Masterclass Ramadhan yang dipandu oleh Masterchef Marinka dan Albie..

Bahannya cukup mudah :
3/8 bawang bombay (sesuai selera)

1 siung bawang putih

2 helai Bay Leaf

150 gram brokoli

1 sdm kaldu sapi (ak pake Knorr)

1/4 sdm gula

Gula, merica, italian seasoning, keju parut secukupnya

Minyak wijen untuk menumis dan butter

Susu cair 75 ml


Kulit lumpia untuk garnish

2 sendok makan cream cheese


Tumis bawang bombay dan bayleaf yang telah di potong dadu kecil dengan butter dan minyak wijen sampai harum.

Masukkan bawang putih cincang halus

Kemudian masukkan brokoli, tumis sebentar dan hancurkan dengan hand blender atau blender biasa

tumis kembali, tambahkan bumbu2 dan masukkan spaghetti. Aduk bersama cream cheese dan keju parut.

Tambahkan kembali minyak wijen sedikit dan sajikan bersama garnish.


Bisa ditambahin daging2an, ato susu cair bisa diganti krim kental. Tambahin terigu dikit biar mengental..

Selamat mencoba!! Bon apetite!! Read More..

Monday, August 15, 2011


This is salad.. I ate this last saturday at one of Pizza restaurant in Jakarta.

The salad quite delicious, there are green bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, pineapples, water melons, lettuces. For the salad dressing is thousand islands sauce with chopped boiled egg like in the tartar sauce.

Overall, I like the salad dressing, but it use many fruit. In my expectation for the salad, it use more vegetables than the fruit. I don't know why..

That's what I had for dinner.
Enjoy your life with eating something delicious!!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jamie Oliver

Do you know this man??

He's Jamie Oliver.. A great chef. I don't know why I admire him.. I like his cooking style. I watched him on Masterchef Australia season 2 when he teached masterclass for Callum and ..... honestly I forgot his name. He cooks with heart (of course with his hands too). He put all things with his feelings. I believe that it's totally delicious..

I hope someday I can meet him and my big dream is become a great chef..

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Chicken Sunkiss

I just ate this for my lunch.. Idenya sebenernya ayam goreng tepung disiram pake saus jeruk. Tp sayang saus jeruknya kurang banyak, kurang taste, ayamnya kurang asin..

That's all.. Td makan siang di salah satu restaurant di daerah Pasanggrahan, Jakarta Barat.

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My new blog version

Hey guys.. Akhirnya mw cb aktif nge-blog lagi..

But for this new version, I'll post many things about food.. Just sit down on your chair, n read my blog also don't forget to post comment..

Have a nice weekends.. Read More..

Tes Mobile Blog

Mw coba neh ngetes posting blog lewat mobile.. Mg2 bisa deehhh!! :D Read More..

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